Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's that time again...

I have a week and a half left of school. It's rather exciting. I have time. To. Breathe.


It's beautiful.

BUT...if you know me well enough, you know that I cannot function unless I am busy. So this whole school coming to an end thing, while I am extrememly relieved and excited to be done with this chapter and start the next, is kind of freaking me out. Thus, I have started reading a new book and I will start blogging again. Not that I ever did it all that regularly.

Right now I am house sitting for a friend while she is with her family at Disneyland. She has three dogs, and they are super cute all cuddled up next to me on the couch right now but OH MY GOODNESS it was a chore getting them to calm down when I walked in the door this evening! We've got on our hands: a little yippee dog, a medium yippee dog, and a small lab who is not yippee, but very skittish (Don't mind these words I'm making up...I do what I want). Hopefully they don't go crazy every time I walk in the door.


Holly Linden said...

Hooray for new chapters! And what better way to start than by dog sitting three yippees...or skitties...oh just read your book! Love and miss you so.

MLM Software said...

Thank you,
The given infotrmation is very effective.
I'll keep updated with it.

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